This one-week course in Border Security Management will be delivered on a modular basis. It will provide enhanced training and engagement with widely used policy and practitioner analytical tools and models, enabling you to develop your skills and employability.
Course Overview
In Africa, peace and security have been fundamentally intertwined with the good management of borders and the attainment of sustainable development of borderlands. Political and social challenges in border areas often hinder development efforts as well as complicate interventions regarding the resilience and prosperity of communities in national peripheries. The African continent has 109 international boundaries characterized by high levels of porosity. This makes them highly vulnerable to threats such as the spread of terrorist networks, human trafficking, irregular migration, pandemic diseases and piracy. Effective border security is the first line of defence against the movement of terrorists across borders and the illegal cross-border movement of goods and cargo but unfortunately border security capacity in the region is uneven and responses are poorly coordinated. The Abdulsalami Abubakar Institute for Peace and Sustainable Development studies has designed a professional certificate course in Border Management and Security. This course targets individual who desires to gain a deeper insight on the concept of border security management. It aims at enhancing the quality in the management of borders in the sub-region and supports regional initiatives on border management and information sharing and foster the identification and establishment of a network of border security management experts in West Africa.
Course Objectives
The overall objective of the course is to equip students with the appropriate effective tools, skills and knowledge in security and border management in the Continent. However, the specific objectives of the course are as follows:
- To gain a deep understanding of African borders and border security issues.
- To explore the diverse international and regional frameworks on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW)
- To learn about the processes of integrated border management
- To articulate and apply knowledge and skills of best practices within the broad realm of border management.
- Understand the nature and dynamics of cross cutting issues such as terrorism, cross border crimes, drug and human trafficking
- To share, and learn from, peer experiences.
Intended Audience
This course is designed for those working or intending to work in security related areas and whose work is associated with development practice or those interested in these fields. Also, the course would be of interest to individuals wishing to enhance their knowledge and skills and move up the career ladder or make a career transition. This course will help to provide an academic context, qualification, core competencies and practical skills that would match their work experience in these fields. The target audience may likely be from the following sectors:
- The Armed Forces
- The Police
- Para-Military Organizations.
- Line Ministries, Government Organizations
- Private Security Companies
- Disaster & Humanitarian Emergencies Managers
- Private Sector Organizations those responsible for the Security functions of their organization.
- Non-Governmental Organizations.
- Development Practitioners.
- Border Security Practitioners
Application Deadline
Tuesday, 28th November, 2023
Payment Deadline
Friday, 1st December, 2023
Course Date
4th December - 8th December, 2023
Course Fees
150,000 Naira
Early Birds (10% Discount)
135,000 Naira
Early Birds closes
Monday, 20th November, 2023
For Further Inquiry, please contact the following
08100091193 || 07058777951
Teaching Methodology
The course will be intensely interactive and delivered through teaching and lectures, seminar presentations, problem-solving and simulation sessions, tutorials and field visits. Digital learning materials such as power point presentations will also be used for teaching.
Course Modules
The course is composed of ten overarching modules:
- Module 1: Introduction to Conflict and Border Security in Africa
- Module 2: Integrated Border Security Management
- Module 3: International and Regional Frameworks on Small Arms and Light Weapons Control
- Module 4: Understanding the Dynamics of Drug and Human Trafficking
- Module 5: Terrorism, Insurgency and Border Security
- Module 6: Elements of Border Control and Cooperation in Africa
- Module 7: Intelligence Gathering and Cross Border e- Crimes
- Module 8:Border Security in Africa: Challenges & Emerging Issues
- Module 9: Migration Management & Border Security
- Module 10: Technological Innovation for Border Security Management